Numerous witness accounts by the city’s old inhabitants state that in the 1930s executions and burials took place in the old cemetery of Kuibyshev (known before 1935 as Kainsk). Historian A.G. Teplyakov has information that people were also shot in the district NKVD building. Internal documentation of the Kuibyshev NKVD operational department confirms that about two thousand people were sentenced to death during the Great Terror (1937-1938), by suffocation or by being shot.
In 1990 the Commission for the Erection of a Memorial to the Victims of Stalinist Repression determined the location of the site of mass burial in the old city cemetery. On 30 October 1994 a memorial (designer P.V. Martynenko) was placed in the cemetery with the inscription, “To our fellow citizens, victims of repression”. In 2010 the city administration paid for the now dilapidated monument to be replaced by copy of the old design with a new inscription: “Dedicated to the victims of political repression, living and deceased. Here lie the remains of our fellow citizens, shot in the 1930s in Kuibyshev”.
In 2016 the inhabitants of the city planted oak and rowan saplings to form an Avenue of Remembrance next to the memorial as part of the “Relay of Memory and Duty” event.
A Book in Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repression in the Novosibirsk Region (4 vols. 2005-2014) contains biographical entries on 12,000 who were shot or sent to the camp.
Date | Nature of ceremonies | Organiser or responsible person | Participants | Frequency |
30 October
Remembrance Day for the Victims of Political Repression
Kuibyshev City Administration
Officials from the city and the Kuibyshev district, inhabitants of Kuibyshev and the surrounding district, schoolchildren and students, victims of political repression and their relatives
Annual event
State of burials | Area | Boundaries |
have not survived
not determined
not delineated
[ original texts and hyperlinks ]
V. Kuzmenkin, “A memorial to the victims of political repression”, Trudovaya zhizn, 4 April 1990 №54 (9341), 6 April 1990 №55 (9342)
A.G. Teplyakov, “The NKVD in the Novosibirsk Region on the eve of the Great Patriotic War and during its opening stages”, West Siberia in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), Novosibirsk, 2004
A.G. Teplyakov, The procedure. How executions were carried out in the 1920s and 1930s, Moscow: Vozvrashchenie, 2007 (107 pp)
“A new memorial to the victims of repression”, Vesti (Kuibyshev), 26 September 2010
“Guilty through no fault of their own”, Vesti (Kuibyshev), 11 November 2012
“A memorial”, Atas.Info, 2 October 2015
“One hundred oak saplings have been planted in Kuibyshev”, Vosem plus odin, Novosti
“Kuibyshev cemetery. Execution and burial site”, Virtual Museum of the Gulag [retrieved, 28 May 2022; no longer accessible]
Reply from the Kuibyshev City Administration (№ 01-01-45/976 of 31 March 2014) to a formal enquiry by RIC Memorial (St Petersburg)